Prospective cohort study of surgical site infections following single dose antibiotic prophylaxis in caesarean section at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Medchal, India |
Prospective cohort study of surgical site infections following single dose antibiotic prophylaxis in caesarean section at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Medchal, India | |
A review of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate associated nephrotoxicity among People Living with HIV: Burden, risk factors and solutions |
A review of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate associated nephrotoxicity among People Living with HIV: Burden, risk factors and solution | |
Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin |
Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin | |
The Preconception Period Analysis of Risks and Exposures Influencing Health and Development (PrePARED) Consortium |
The Preconception Period Analysis of Risks and Exposures Influencing Health and Development (PrePARED) Consortium | |
Implementation of point-of-care testing and prevalence of cryptococcal antigenaemia among patients with advanced HIV disease in Mumbai, India |
Implementation of point-of-care testing and prevalence of cryptococcal antigenaemia among patients with advanced HIV disease in Mumbai, India | |
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components among South Indian Chenchu tribal adults |
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components among South Indian Chenchu tribal adults | |
A cluster randomized controlled trial of an electronic decision-support system to enhance antenatal care services in pregnancy at primary healthcare level in Telangana, India:trial protocol |
A cluster randomized controlled trial of an electronic decision-support system to enhance antenatal care services in pregnancy at primary healthcare level in Telangana, India:trial protocol | |
Retaining Patients with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis on Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic — Dharavi, Mumbai, India, 2020–2022 |
Retaining Patients with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis on Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic — Dharavi, Mumbai, India, 2020–2022 | |
Baseline Assessments of Tb Detection Centres in Selected Public and Private Laboratories in India and Need for Introducing Quality Management Systems |
Baseline Assessments of Tb Detection Centres in Selected Public and Private Laboratories in India and Need for Introducing Quality Management Systems | |
Monica Gudipally, MD; Fouzia Farooq, PhD, MPH; Kalpana Basany, MD; Catherine L. Haggerty, PhD, MPH; Gong Tang, Ph.D; Govindrao N. Kusneniwar, MD; Guru Rajesh Jammy, PhD, MPH; Clareann H. Bunker, PhD; P.S.Reddy, MD. Impact of prepregnancy body mass index on adverse pregnancy outcomes: analysis from the Longitudinal Indian Family hEalth cohort study. AJOG Global Reports February 2023, The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-ncnd/4.0. |
Impact of prepregnancy body mass index on adverse pregnancy outcomes: analysis from the Longitudinal Indian Family hEalth cohort study. | |
Reshu Agarwal1* , Upasna Agarwal, Chinmoyee Das, Ramesh Allam Reddy, Rashmi Pant, Christine Ho,B. Ravi Kumar, Vandana Dabla, Patrick K. Moonan, Melissa Nyendak, Sunil Anand, Anoop Kumar Puri,Sanjay K. Mattoo, Kuldeep Singh Sachdeva, Vijay V. Yeldandi5 and Rohit Sarin. Building communities of practice through case based e learning to prevent and manage TB among people living with HIV–India. December 20, 2022 Agarwal et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2022) 22:967https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-022-07957-4 |
Building communities of practice through case based e learning to prevent and manage TB among people living with HIV–India | |
Paushali Mukherjee, Ph.D., Sampada Bhide, M.D., Arunima Silasarma, MPH,Bushra Rizvi, Samridhi Uniyal, Karan Prasad,Prashant Vennela, BDS, MBA,Edwin Sam Asirvatham, Ph.D., Satish Kaipilyawar, MBBS, MHA, Anita Singh, M.D.,B Ravi Kumar MBBS, MPH, Lincoln P Choudhury, MPH, Shailendra Dandge, M.D,Manjunath Dinaker, M.D., Vijay V Yeldandi, M.D., Shikha Dhawan Ph.D.A Pathophysiologic Approach to COVID-19 Management and Current Status of Treatment and RecommendationsJournal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin – September 28, 2022. JAAPI 2(2):2022 |
A Pathophysiologic Approach to COVID-19 Management and Current Status of Treatment and Recommendations | |
Sameena Azhar PhD, LCSW, MPHVaidehi Jokhakar,, Jason Vaudrey, Sabitha Gandham, Ganesh Oruganti, Vijay Yeldandi Associations between HIV stigma, gender, anddepression among people living with HIV in Hyderabad, India, J Community Psychol. 2022;1–18. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jcop © 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC.25 Aug 2022 |
Associations between HIV stigma, gender, anddepression among people living with HIV in Hyderabad, India. | |
Shrikala AcharyaI, Prashant Deshpande, Edwin Sam Asirvatham, Amol Palkar,Charishma Jones Sarman, Chinmay LaxmeshwarID,Maninder Singh Setia5,Dhirubhai Rathod, Sagar Koli, Jayesh Dale3, Vijay Yeldandi3, Ramesh Allam6,Reshu Agarwal, Sanjeev Verma, Sunita Upadhyaya, Melissa Nyendak. Utility of the lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan tuberculosis assay in patients with advanced HIV disease at antiretroviral therapy centres in Mumbai,India. August 18, 2022. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273970. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273970121. |
Utility of the lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan tuberculosis assay in patients with advanced HIV disease at antiretroviral therapy centres in Mumbai,India. | |
Divya Nair , Reshma Raju, Sudipto Roy , Shailendra Dandge,Girish Kumar Chethrapilly Purushothaman, Yuvaraj Jayaraman, Boopathi Kangusamy, Rahul Shrivastava, Narendra Kumar Arora, Winsley Rose, Sanjay Juvekar, Guru Rajesh Jammy , Kavita Singh, Sanjay Mehendale, on behalf of DRIVEN Team Prabu Raj kumar and Shikha Taneja Malik-Sero-Surveillance to Monitor the Trend of SARS-CoV- 2 Infection Transmission in India: Study Protocol for a Multi Site,Community Based Longitudinal Cohort Study. Study Protocol Pubished 24 Mar. 2022. Doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.810353, Frontiers in Public Health. www.frontiers.org 1 March, 2022, Volume 10 Article 810353. |
Sero-Surveillance to Monitor the Trend of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Transmission in India: Study Protocol for a Multi Site,Community Based Longitudinal Cohort Study | |
Jerel M. Ezell, MPH, MA1,2, Dana Pasquale, PhD, MPH3, Shirish Poudyal, MD4, Sameena Azhar, MSW, MPH5, Ellis Monk, PhD6, Mahesh Vidula, MD7, Vijay Yeldandi, MD, Edward Laumann, PhD, Chuanhong Liao, MS, John A. Schneider, MD, MPH-Are skin color and body mass index associated with social network structure? Findings from a male sex market study. Ethn Health. 2021 August ;26(6): 863–878. doi:10.1080/13557858.2019.1590537. |
Are skin color and body mass index associated with social network structure? Findings from a male sex market study | |
Mahesh Mhetre, Rashmi Pant, Manish Bamrotiya, Pramod Deoraj, Ramesh R. Allam. Unfavourable TB Outcomes in PLHIV with Delayed TB Treatment Initiation—A Retrospective Analysis, Open Journal of Epidemiology, 2021, 11, 293-302 https://www.scirp.org/journal/ojepi, ISSN Online: 2165-7467,ISSN Print: 2165-7459, DOI: 10.4236/ojepi.2021.113026 Aug. 24, 2021. |
Unfavourable TB Unfavourable TB Outcomes in PLHIV with Delayed TB Treatment Initiation—A Retrospective Analysis, Open Journal of Epidemiology, 2021, 11, 293-302 | |
Muthusamy Santhosh Kumar, P. Kamaraj, Siraj Ahmed Khan,Ramesh Reddy Allam, Pradip V.Barde,Bhagirathi Dwibedi, Suman Kanungo,Uday Mohan, Suman Sundar Mohanty, Subarna Roy, Vivek Sagar,Deepali Savargaonkar, Babasaheb V. Tandale,Roshan Kamal Topno, C. P. Girish Kumar,R. Sabarinathan,V. Saravana Kumar, T. Karunakaran, Annamma Jose, Provash Sadhukhan, G. S. Toteja, Shanta Dutta, and Manoj Murhekar- Seroprevalence of Dengue Infection Using IgG Capture ELISA in India, 2017–2018.. June 20 2021. Trop. Med. Hyg., 00(00), 2021, pp. 1–4 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.21-0386,Copyright © 2021 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. |
Seroprevalence of Dengue Infection Using IgG Capture ELISA in India, 2017–2018 | |
Vijay V. Yeldandi, M.D. A Special Tribute to COVID-19 Healthcare Heroes. Synopsis of JAAPI Webinar – June 14, 2021. |
A Special Tribute to COVID-19 Healthcare Heroes | |
Ashwin Belludi1, Allison M. McFall ,Sunil Suhas Solomon, David D. Celentano Shruti Mehta2, AK Srikrishnan, Gregory M. Lucas. Awareness, Willingness, Facilitators and Barriers of PrEP among Key Population: Results froma cross-sectional study in high-prevalentgeographies of India. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0247352, February 25, 2021 |
Awareness, Willingness, Facilitators and Barriers of PrEP among Key Population :Results from a cross-sectional study in high-prevalentgeographies of India. | |
113. |
2021 |
Margineanu, Z. Mor, D. Garcia, C. Gilpin, S. Dhawan, N. Ritz D. Zenner. TB and COVID-19 In Migrants - The Need to Focus on Both Conditions. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2021 May 1;25(5);333-335 foi:10.5588/ijtld.21.0067. |
TB and COVID-19 In Migrants - The Need to Focus on Both Conditions. | |
112. |
2021 |
Azhar, S., Vaudrey, J., Gandham, S., Burr, S., Oruganti, G., & Yeldandi, V. (2021). Secret lives and gender fluidity of people living with HIV in Hyderabad, India. Journal of Community Psychology, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22541 |
Secret lives and gender fluidity of people living with HIV in Hyderabad, India. | |
111. |
2021 |
Manoj V Murhekar, Pattabi Kamaraj, Muthusamy Santhosh Kumar, Siraj Ahmed Khan, Ramesh Reddy Allam, Pradip V Barde, Bhagirathi Dwibedi, Suman Kanungo, Uday Mohan, Suman Sundar Mohanty, Subarna Roy, Vivek Sagar, Deepali Savargaonkar, Babasaheb V Tandale, Roshan Kamal Topno, C P Girish Kumar, Ramasamy Sabarinathan, Sailaja Bitragunta, Gagandeep Singh Grover, P V M Lakshmi, Chandra Mauli Mishra, Provash Sadhukhan, Prakash Kumar Sahoo, Shivendra Kumar Singh, Chander Prakash Yadav, Rajesh Kumar, Shanta Dutta, G S Toteja, Nivedita Gupta, Sanjay M Mehendale, on behalf of the ICMR Serosurvey Group. Immunity against diphtheria among children aged 5-17 years in India, 2017-18: a cross-sectional, population-based serosurvey. www.thelancet.com/infection Published online January 21, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30595-8 |
Immunity against diphtheria among children aged 5-17 years in India, 2017-18: a cross-sectional, population-based serosurvey | |
110. |
2021 |
Muthusamy Santhosh Kumar, Pattabi Kamaraj, Siraj Ahmed Khan, Ramesh Reddy Allam, Pradip V Barde, Bhagirathi Dwibedi, Suman Kanungo, Uday Mohan, Suman Sundar Mohanty, Subarna Roy, Vivek Sagar, Deepali Savargaonkar, Babasaheb V Tandale,Roshan Kamal Topno, Chethrapilly P Girish Kumar, Ramasamy Sabarinathan, Velusamy Saravana Kumar, Sailaja Bitragunta,Gagandeep Singh Grover, Pinnaka V M Lakshmi, Chandra Mauli Mishra, Provash Sadhukhan, Prakash Kumar Sahoo, Shivendra K Singh,Chander Prakash Yadav, Elangovan Ramya Dinesh, Thiyagarajan Karunakaran, Chinnasamy Govindhasamy, Thomas Daniel Rajasekar,Annadurai Jeyakumar, Arunachalam Suresh, Duraisamy Augustine, Paparaju Ashok Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Shanta Dutta, Gurudayal S Toteja, Nivedita Gupta, Hannah E Clapham, Sanjay M Mehendale, Manoj V Murhekar. Seroprevalence of chikungunya virus infection in India, 2017: a cross-sectional population-based serosurvey. www.thelancet.com/microbe Vol 2 January 2021 Lancet Microbe 2021; e41-47 |
Seroprevalence of chikungunya virus infection in India,2017: a cross-sectional population-based serosurvey | |
109. |
2021 |
Dr Vijay V. Yeldandi, Dr Vandana Dabla. Ensuring essential HIV services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indian Express- Editorial, 24th Jan, 2021, New Delhi. |
Ensuring essential HIV services during the COVID-19 pandemic | |
108. |
2020 |
Srinivasa Prakash Regalla, Sagar S. Karwa, Sreeram Rajesh, P.V. Shyam, Prakash N. Shrivastava, Strength and fracture behaviour of polymer matrix composite layered structures made by additive manufacturing, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 28, Part 2, 2020, Pages 1030-1038. (Scopus). |
Strength and fracture behaviour of polymer matrix composite layered structures made by additive manufacturing | |
107. |
2020 |
Manoj V. Murhekar, Muthusamy Santhosh Kumar, P. Kamaraj, Siraj Ahmed Khan, Ramesh Reddy Allam, Pradip Barded, Bhagirathi Dwibedi, Suman Kanungo, Uday Mohan, Suman Sundar Mohanty, Subarna Roy, Vivek Sagar, Deepali Savargaonkar, Babasaheb V. Tandale, Roshan Kamal Topno, C.P. Girish Kumar, R. Sabarinathan, Sailaja Bitragunta, Gagandeep Singh Grover, P.V.M. Lakshmi, Chandra Mauli Mishra, Provash Sadhukhan, Prakash Kumar Sahoo, S.K. Singh, Chander Prakash Yadav, Rajesh Kumar, Shanta Dutta, G.S. Toteja, Nivedita Gupta, Sanjay M. Mehendale, ICMR - Serosurvey group. Hepatitis-B virus infection in India: Findings from a nationally representative serosurvey, 2017-18. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 100 (2020) 455-460. |
Hepatitis-B virus infection in India: Findings from a nationally representative serosurvey, 2017-18 | |
106. |
2020 |
Kusneniwar GN, Jammy GR, Shailendra D, Bunker CH, Reddy PS. Which obesity index is a better predictor for cardiometabolic risk factors in a young adult rural population of Telangana State, India? J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:4667-72. |
Which obesity index is a better predictor for cardiometabolic risk factors in a young adult rural population of Telangana State, India? | |
105. |
2020 |
Ramesh R Allam,, Mayuko Takamiya, Rashmi Pant, Sabitha Gandham, Vijay V Yeldandi, Jaya Thomas,Maria L Ekstrand and Mark S Dworkin. Factors associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy among female sex workers living with HIV in Hyderabad, India. International Journal of STD & AIDS 31(8). 2020, Vol. 31(8) 735-746. |
Factors associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy among female sex workers living with HIV in Hyderabad, India. | |
104. |
2020 |
Choudhury, L., Jammy, G., & Pant, R. (2020). Concurrent impact evaluation of lockdown measures on COVID-19 positivity in three states of India. International Journal of Community Medicine And Public Health, 7(10), 4028-4032. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20204371 |
Concurrent impact evaluation of lockdown measures on COVID-19 positivity in three states of India | |
103. |
2020 |
Dr Vandana Dabla* How had COVID-19 changed the shape of Public Health in India , Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Published: October 15,2020 |
How had COVID-19 changed the shape of Public Health in India | |
102. |
2020 |
Narassima MS, Guru Rajesh Jammy, Rashmi Pant, Lincoln Choudhury, Aadharsh R, Vijay Yeldandi, Anbuudayasankar SP, Rangasami P. An Agent Based Model methodology for assessing spread and health systems burden for Covid-19 using a synthetic population from India. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.04.20121848 |
An Agent Based Model methodology for assessing spread and health systems burden for Covid-19 using a synthetic population from India | |
101. |
2020 |
Rashmi Pant, Lincoln Priyadarshi Choudhry, Jammy Guru Rajesh, Vijay V Yeldandi. COVID-19 Epidemic Dynamics and Population Projections from Early Days of Case Reporting in a 40 million population from Southern India. medRxiv 2020.04.17.20070292; doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.17.20070292 |
COVID-19 Epidemic Dynamics and Population Projections from Early Days of Case Reporting in a 40 million population from Southern India | |
100. |
2020 |
Oruganti,R., Paidipati, S., Dandge, S., Jammy, G.R. and Teja, R. Development And Psychometric Evaluation Of The Hypertension Knowledge Test For Indian Hypertensive Patients (Hkt-I). International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research Vol. 11, Issue, 02 (C), pp. 37350-37364, February, 2020. |
Development And Psychometric Evaluation Of The Hypertension Knowledge Test For Indian Hypertensive Patients (Hkt-I) | |
99. |
2020 |
Joseph K. David, Rashmi Pant, Ramesh Reddy Allam, V. M. Padma Priya, Santhakumar Aridoss, Elangovan Arumugam. The Relationship between Educational Attainment and HIV Prevalence among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in Six States of India: Sentinel Surveillance from 2010 to 2017. Indian J Public Health 64515-587964_161956 |
The Relationship between Educational Attainment and HIV Prevalence among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in Six States of India: Sentinel Surveillance from 2010 to 2017 | |
98. |
2019 |
Ezell J, Pasquale D, Poudyal S, et al. Are skin color and body mass index associated with social network structure? Findings from a male sex market study. Ethnicity & Health. Published online March 14, 2019:1-16. doi:10.1080/13557858.2019.1590537 |
Are skin color and body mass index associated with social network structure? Findings from a male sex market study | |
97. |
2019 |
Vandana Dabla. Hitting the bull's eye of ending tuberculosis goal: The Challenge of addressing tuberculosis in human immunodeficiency virus positive population in India. World Journal of Virology 2019 December 31; 8(1); 1-3 on line. ISSN 2230-3249 |
Hitting the bull's ey of ending tuberculosis goal: The Challenge of addressing tuberculosis in human immunodeficiency virus positive population in India | |
96. |
2019 |
Rajani Santhakumari Nagothu, Yogananda Reddy Indla, (2019). Students Perception on Teaching Learning and Evaluation Methodologies applied in Physiology. International journal of physiology 7(3)164-168. PMCID: PMC7120906 |
Students Perception on Teaching Learning and Evaluation Methodologies applied in Physiology | |
95. |
2019 |
Reddy IY, Nagothu RS. (2019) Academic performance depends on Chronotype: Myth or reality? Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 6 (4): 2394-2118. PMCID : PMC7089615 |
Academic performance depends on chronotype: Myth or reality? | |
94. |
2019 |
Guda Vaishnavi, A V Gurava Reddy, Dinaker Manjunath, Ganesh Oruganti, Ramesh Reddy Allam-Targeted infection control practices lower the incidence of surgical site infections following total hip and knee arthroplasty in an Indian tertiary hospital. Journal of Patient Safety & Infection Control, Volume 7, Issue 1, January-April 2019. |
Targeted infection control practices lower the incidence of surgical site infections following total hip and knee arthroplasty in an Indian tertiary hospital | |
93. |
2019 |
Tamala Gondwe, Kalpana Betha, G. N. Kusneniwar, Clareann H. Bunker, Gong Tang, Hyagriv Simhan and Catherine L. Haggerty. Adverse infant outcomes associated with caesarean section delivery in India. International Health 2019; 00: 1-6 doi:10.1093/inthealth/ihz111 |
Adverse infant outcomes associated with caesarean section delivery in India | |
92. |
2019 |
Tamala Gondwe, Kalpana Betha, G.N. Kusneniwar, Clareann H. Bunker, Gong Tang, Hyagriv Simhan, P.S. Reddy, Catherine L. Haggerty. Maternal Factors Associated with Mode of Delivery in a Population with a High Cesarean Section Rate. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health Vol. 9(4); December (2019) 252-258. |
Maternal Factors Associated with Mode of Delivery in a Population with a High Cesarean Section Rate | |
91. |
2019 |
Amit Bhavsar, Clarence C. Tam, Suneela Garg, Guru Rajesh Jammy, Anne-Frieda Taurel Sher-Ney Chong and Joshua Nealon - Estimated dengue force of infection and burden of primary infections among Indian children - BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1116 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7432-7. |
Estimated dengue force of infection and burden of primary infections among Indian children | |
90. |
2019 |
Manoj V Murhekar, P Kamaraj, Muthusamy Santhosh Kumar, Siraj Ahmed Khan, Ramesh Reddy Allam, Pradip Barde, Bhagirathi Dwibedi, Suman Kanungo, Uday Mohan, Suman Sundar Mohanty, Subarna Roy, Vivek Sagar, Deepali Savargaonkar, Babasaheb V Tandale ,Roshan Kamal Topno, Gajanan Sapkal, C P Girish Kumar, R Sabarinathan, Velusamy Saravana Kumar, Sailaja Bitragunta, Gagandeep Singh Grover, P V M Lakshmi, Chandra Mauli Mishra, Provash Sadhukhan, Prakash Kumar Sahoo, S K Singh, Chander Prakash Yadav, Asha Bhagat, Rashi Srivastava, E Ramya Dinesh, T Karunakaran, C Govindhasamy, T Daniel Rajasekar, A Jeyakumar,A Suresh, D Augustine, P Ashok Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, Shanta Dutta, G S Toteja, Nivedita Gupta, Sanjay M Mehendale . Burden of dengue infection in India, 2017: a cross-sectional population based serosurvey. www.thelancet.com/lancetgh Published online June 11, 2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30250-5. |
Burden of dengue infection in India, 2017: a cross-sectional population based serosurvey | |
89. |
2019 |
Dr. Vandana Dabla, and Dr. Ramesh Allam Reddy. (2019). “Vitamin D And Hiv Infection: The Correlation & Need For Evaluation.” International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, Vol.7(Iss.4), 68-81 April, 2019. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2653114. |
Vitamin D And Hiv Infection: The Correlation & Need For Evaluation | |
88. |
2019 |
Okram Sarda Devi, Ke Manga Reddy, B. Sree Chaitanya Naga Samyukta, P. Sadvika, Kalpana Betha. Prevalence of teenage pregnancy and pregnancy outcome at a rural teaching hospital in India. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Okram SD et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Feb;8(2):613-616 |
Prevalence of teenage pregnancy and pregnancy outcome at a rural teaching hospital in India. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology | |
87. |
2019 |
Ke Manga Reddy, Lakshmi Sailaja P.*, Shiva Charana Kodimala, Poojitha Pathakamudi, Kalpana Betha. Prevalence and determinants of caesarean section in a rural tertiary teaching hospital: a 6-year retrospective study. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Reddy KM et al. Int J ReprodContraceptObstet Gynecol. 2019 Feb;8(2):560-565 |
Prevalence and determinants of caesarean section in a rural tertiary teaching hospital: a 6-year retrospective study. | |
86. |
2019 |
Dandge S, Jeemon P, Reddy PS. Technology enabled non-physician health workers extending telemedicine to rural homes to control hypertension and diabetes (TETRA): A pre-post demonstration project in Telangana, India. PLoS One. 2019 Feb 19;14(2):e0211551. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211551. eCollection 2019. PubMed PMID: 30779798; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6380577. |
Technology enabled non-physician health workers extending telemedicine to rural homes to control hypertension and diabetes (TETRA): A pre-post demonstration project in Telangana, India | |
85. |
2018 |
Pradeep Kumar Dable, Vandana D (2018) Global Burden of Diabetes- Rising Expenditures on Healthcare Economy. J Endocrinology and Diabetes. 5(6): 1-2. DOI: 10.15226/2374-6890/5/6/001120. Published: November 13,2018 |
Global Burden of Diabetes- Rising Expenditures on Healthcare Economy | |
84. |
2018 |
Jammy GR, Boudreau RM, Singh T, et al. Volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), bone structure, and structural geometry among rural South Indian, US Caucasian, and Afro-Caribbean older men. Arch Osteoporos. 2018;13(1):60. Published 2018 May 22. doi:10.1007/s11657-018-0473-1 |
Volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), bone structure, and structural geometry among rural South Indian, US Caucasian, and Afro-Caribbean older men. | |
83. |
2018 |
Konda PR, Sharma PK, Gandhi AR, Ganguly E (2018) Correlates of Cognitive Impairment among Indian Urban Elders. J Gerontol Geriatr Res 7: 489. Doi: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000489 |
Correlates of Cognitive Impairment among Indian Urban Elders. | |
82. |
2018 |
Konda PR, Sharma PK, Gandhi AR, Ganguly E (2018) Geriatric Depression and its Correlates among South Indian Urbans. J Depress Anxiety 7: 314. DOI: 10.4172/2167-1044.1000314 |
Hypertension and its Correlates in the Oldest Old Population Aged 80 Years and Above in Urban South India. | |
81. |
2018 |
Reddy BM, Ganguly E, Sharma PK. Hypertension and its Correlates in the Oldest Old Population Aged 80 Years and Above in Urban South India. J Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2018;7(3):472. doi: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000472. Epub 2018 May 31. PubMed PMID: 29984116; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6035005 |
Hypertension and its Correlates in the Oldest Old Population Aged 80 Years and Above in Urban South India. | |
80. |
2018 |
Ramesh Reddy Allam, Rashmi Pant, Chengappa K Uthappa, Manjunath Dinaker, Ganesh Oruganti and Vijay V Yeldandi. Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency, Metabolic Syndrome and Association Between the Two in a South Asian Population. Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, an open access journalISSN:2161-0509 Volume 8 Issue 2 1000229 April, 2018. |
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency, Metabolic Syndrome and Association Between the Two in a South Asian Population | |
79. |
2018 |
Kiren Mitruka, MD, Manish Bamrotiya, MBBS, Reshu Agarwal, MD, Anwar Parvez, MBBS, Ramesh Reddy Allam, MBBS, Srilatha Sivalenka, MA, Pramod Deoraj, MBBS, Rajendra Prasad, DD, Uma Devi, DPH, Padmaja Keskar, DPH, Shrikala Acharya, MD, Priya Kannan, MHA, Ramesam Ganti, MA, Malay Shah, MD, Shashikant Todmal, MSW, Praveen Kumar, MSW, Nalini Chava, MSc, Ajit Rao, MSW, Sukarma Tanwar, MMed, Melissa Nyendak, MD, Tedd Ellerbrock, MD, Timothy H. Holtz, MD, R.S. Gupta, MD. Implementation of the Treat All Policy Among Persons with HIV Infection Enrolled in Care But Not on Antiretroviral Therapy — India, May 2017-June 2018. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report(MMWR) November 30, 2018 / Vol. 67 /No. 47 p1304-1332 US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Implementation of the Treat All Policy Among Persons with HIV Infection Enrolled in Care But Not on Antiretroviral Therapy — India, May 2017-June 2018. | |
78. |
2018 |
Sreeveena Talasani, Pran Hitha Venkamolla, Kalpana Betha. Comparison between use of combination of mifepristone and misoprostol versus misoprostol alone in the management of intrauterine fetal death. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Talasani S et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Jul;7(7):2778-2781 |
Comparison between use of combination of mifepristone and misoprostol versus misoprostol alone in the management of intrauterine fetal death. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology | |
77. |
2018 |
Gondwe, T., Betha, K., Kusneniwar, G.N., Bunker, C.H., Tang, G., Simhan, H., Reddy, P.S. and Haggerty, C.L., 2018. Mode of delivery and short-term infant health outcomes: a prospective cohort study in a peri-urban Indian population. BMC pediatrics, 18(1), p.346. |
Mode of delivery and short-term infant health outcomes: a prospective cohort study in a peri-urban Indian population. | |
76. |
2018 |
Shailendra D, Kalani R, Narayan KMV, Prabhakaran S, Tandon N, Reddy PS. Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a South Indian rural community. International Journal Basic Clin Pharmacol 2018;7:309-14. |
Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a South Indian rural community | |
75. |
2018 |
V. Prasanna Rani, Leo S. Vaz, G . N. Kusneniwar. Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and Diet Related Factors among High School Children in Urban and Rural Areas of Medchal Mandal, Rangareddy District. Journal of Medical Sciences and Clinical Research. February 2018;6(2): 349-356. |
Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and Diet Related Factors among High School Children in Urban and Rural Areas of Medchal Mandal, Rangareddy District | |
74. |
2018 |
Enakshi Ganguly, Rahul Gupta, Alik Widge, R. Purushotham Reddy, K. Balasubramanian, and P. S. Reddy. Increasing Full Child Immunization Rates by Government Using an Innovative Computerized Immunization Due List in Rural India, 2018. The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing Volume 55: 1-8. |
Increasing Full Child Immunization Rates by Government Using an Innovative Computerized Immunization Due List in Rural India, 2018 | |
73. |
2017 |
Suneela Garg, Anita Chakravarti, Ritesh Singh, N.R. Ramesh Masthi, Ram Chandra Goyal Guru Rajesh Jammy, Enakshi Ganguly, Nandini Sharma, M.M. Singh, Germano Ferreira, Annick Moureau, Sujeet Ojha, Joshua Nealon for the DNG 10 group. Dengue serotype - specific serorevalance among 5 - 10 year old children in India. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 54 (2017) 25-30. |
Dengue serotype - specific serorevalance among 5 - 10 year old children in India. | |
72. |
2017 |
Pawan Kumar Sharma, Clareann H. Bunker, Tushar Singh, Enakshi Ganguly, P. Sudhakar Reddy, Anne B. Newman, and Jane A. Cauley. Burden and Correlates of Falls among Rural Elders of South India: Mobility and Independent Living in Elders Study. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, vol. 2017, Article ID 1290936, 8 pages, 2017. |
Falls among Rural Elders of South India: Mobility and Independent Living in Elders Study | |
71. |
2017 |
Uthappa CK, Allam RR, Pant R, Pal S, Dinaker M, Oruganti G, Yeldandi VV. Pre-exposure prophylaxis: awareness, acceptability and risk compensation behaviour among men who have sex with men and the transgender population. HIV Med.2017 Nov 27. doi: 10.1111/hiv.12572. |
Assessment of quality of antiretroviral therapy services in India 2014-2015. | |
70. |
2017 |
Ramesh Reddy Allam, Ganesh Oruganti, Chengappa K.U., Naidu C.H.S.,Vijay V. Yeldandi. Strengthening HIV/AIDS Response: Program Evaluation of India's Largest Public-Private Partnership Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment. Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 5 Number 2, July - December 2017, Pages 76-82 |
Strengthening HIV/AIDS Response: Program Evaluation of India's Largest Public-Private Partnership Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment. | |
69. |
2017 |
Bharat Bhushan Rewaria, Reshu Agarwal, Ramesh Reddy Allam, Nalini Chava and A.S Rathore. Assessment of quality of antiretroviral therapy services in India, 2014-2015. Int Health 2017; 9: 301-309 doi:10.1093/inthealth/ihx026. |
Assessment of quality of antiretroviral therapy services in India 2014-2015. | |
68. |
2017 |
Himanshu Negandhi, Ritika Tiwari, Anjali Sharma, Rajesh Nair, Sanjay Zodpey, Ramesh Reddy Allam and Ganesh Oruganti. Rapid assessment of facilitators and barriers related to the acceptance, challenges and community perception of daily regimen for treating tuberculosis in India. GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION, 2017 VOL. 10, https://doi.org/10.1080/16549716.2017.1290315. |
Rapid assessment of facilitators and barriers related to the acceptance, challenges and community perception of daily regimen for treating tuberculosis in India | |
67. |
2016 |
Allam RR, Uthappa CK, Rebecca D, Evan S, Prasada RU, Shankar K, Mark S Dworkin. "A Case-Control Study of Diphtheria in the High Incidence City of Hyderabad", India. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. Vol35, Number 3, March, 2016.ISSN :0891-3668/16/3503-0253-0256. |
A Case-Control Study of Diphtheria in the High Incidence City of Hyderabad. | |
66. |
2016 |
Padma Yalamati, MadhuLathaKarra, Aparna V. Bhongir. - "Comparison of Urinary Total Proteins by Four Different Methods". Ind J ClinBiochem 2016 Jan. DOI 10.1007/s12291-016-0551-3. (in press, PubMed indexed). |
Comparison of Urinary Total Proteins by Four Different Methods. | |
65. |
2016 |
Rajesh Paluru1, Yoganandareddy Indla2, Ramaswamy Chellam3, Rajani Santhakumari4 - "Assessment of functional status of outer hair cells in Type 2 diabetes by using distortion product otoacoustic emissions", National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 6(5), 4-7. 2016 |
Assessment of functional status of outer hair cells in Type 2 diabetes by using distortion product otoacoustic emissions. | |
64. |
2016 |
Paluru, R., Indla, Y. R., Ramaswamy, C., and RajaniSanthakumari, - "Functional analysis of auditory pathway in type 2 diabetes by brainstem auditory evoked response-a pilot study." Biomedical Research. 27 (4): 2-5. 2016. |
Functional analysis of auditory pathway in type 2 diabetes by brainstem auditory evoked response-a pilot study. | |
63. |
2016 |
RajaniSanthakumari Nagothu, Yogananda Reddy Indla, Rajesh.P. (2016)."Effective physiology teaching methods: from the perspective of first year MBBS students". Indian journal of clinical anatomy and physiology. 3 (3): 340-342. 2016 PMCID:PMC5014394. |
Effective physiology teaching methods: from the perspective of first year MBBS students. | |
62. |
2016 |
RajaniSanthakumari Nagothu, Archana Rajagopalan, Yogananda Reddy Indla, Rajesh P. (2017). "Beneficial Effects of Yogasanas and Pranayama in limiting the Cognitive decline in Type 2 Diabetes". National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 7(2) 1-4, 2016. |
Beneficial Effects of Yogasanas and Pranayama in limiting the Cognitive decline in Type 2 Diabetes. | |
61. |
2016 |
KalpanaBetha,1 Jamie M.Robertson,2 GongTang,3 and CatherineL.Haggerty4 - "Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis among Childbearing Age Women in India:" A Systematic Review - Hindawi Publishing Corporation Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 2016, Article ID 8561645, 6 pages. |
Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis among Childbearing Age Women in India. | |
60. |
2016 |
Dr. L.Vijayasree, Dr. KusneniwarGN , Dr. Leo SequeiraVaz, Dr. B. Sita Rama Rao. - " A Study On Menstrual Practices And Hygiene Among Adolescent girls In A Government High School." Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences. June 2016;3(6): 55-60. |
A Study On Menstrual Practices And Hygiene Among Adolescent girls In A Government High School. | |
59. |
2016 |
Ganguly E, Sharma PK, Bunker CH. -"Burden of acute infections (except respiratory and diarrheal) and its risk factors among under-five children in India:" A systematic review and meta-analysis. Indian J Child Health. 2016; March 15. |
Burden of acute infections (except respiratory and diarrheal) and its risk factors among under-five children in India. | |
58. |
2016 |
Jammy GR, Ganguly E, Oruganti G, Garg S, Bhavsar A, Nealon J. -"Dengue sero- prevalence and serotype distribution among children near Hyderabad, India." International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016; 45 (Supplement 1): 176-177. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2016.02.415. |
Dengue sero- prevalence and serotype distribution among children near Hyderabad, India . | |
57. |
2016 |
RajaniSanthakumari Nagothu, Yogananda Reddy Indla, Archana R, Rajesh.P, "Role of yoga in Alienating the Memory Decline and Frontal Lobe Metabolite Changes in Type 2 DiabetesInt".J.Res.Ayurveda Pharm .7(1) 1-4 (2016) PMCID: PMC4933305. |
Role of yoga in Alienating the Memory Decline and Frontal Lobe Metabolite Changes in Type 2 Diabetes. | |
56. |
2016 |
Rajesh Paluru *1, Yogananda Reddy Indla 2, Ramasamy C 3, Rajani Santhakumari 1 - "Otoacoustic emissions in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review", Int.J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 7(Suppl 2), 250-251. |
Otoacoustic emissions in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. | |
55. |
2016 |
G.N. Kusneniwar, R.Margaret Whelan,Kalpana Betha,Jamie M Robertson,Purushotham Reddy Ramidi,K Balasubramanian,Vijayaraghavan Kamasamudram,Catherine L Haggerty, Clareann H Bunker, PS Reddy. Cohort Profile: The Longitudinal Indian Family hEalth (LIFE) Pilot Study, Telangana State, India. International Journal of Epidemiology 2016,doi: 10.1093/ije/dyw174. |
Cohort Profile: The Longitudinal Indian Family hEalth (LIFE) Pilot Study, Telangana State, India. | |
54. |
2015 |
Sapna Vyakaranam1 [Associate Professor], Swati Vanaparthy2 [7thSemester Student], Srinivas Nori3 [Consultant Pathologist], Satyanarayana Palarapu4 [Professor], and AparnaVarma Bhongir5 [Professor & HOD]- "Study of Insulin Resistance in Subclinical Hypothyroidism" -NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Int J Health Sci Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 January 07. |
Study of Insulin Resistance in Subclinical Hypothyroidism -NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Int J Health Sci Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 January 07. | |
53. |
2015 |
Gudadappa S. Kasabi1,* Thilakavathi Subramanian2, Ramesh Reddy Allam2,3, Chitra A. Grace2 Shivanna Reddy1 & Manoj V. Murhekar2- ”Prescription practices & use of essential medicines in the primary health care system, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India” Indian J Med Res 142, August 2015, pp 216-219 DOI:10.4103/0971-5916.164261 |
Prescription practices & use of essential medicines in the primary health care system, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India. | |
52. |
2015 |
T.Jaya Chandra1*, R.Selvaraj2, Ramesh Reddy Allam3 and YV Sharma4 - “Same day sputum smear microscopy for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: modified ZN staining versus LED FM” ,Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 75-81 ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 4 Number 4 (2015) pp. 75-8. |
Same day sputum smear microscopy for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: modified ZN staining versus LED FM. | |
51. |
2015 |
RajaniSanthakumari Nagothu1, Yogananda ReddyIndla2, Archana Rajagopalan3, Ravi Varma4 - "Right Dorsolateral Frontal Lobe N-Acetyl Aspartate and Myoinositol Concentration Estimation in Type 2 Diabetes with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy" - Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Jul, Vol-9(7): CC16-CC19 |
Right Dorsolateral Frontal Lobe N-Acetyl Aspartate and Myoinositol Concentration Estimation in Type 2 Diabetes with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . | |
50. |
2015 |
Padma Yalamati1, Aparna Varma Bhongir2, Madhulatha Karra3, Sashidhar Rao Beedu4 ”Comparative Analysis of Urinary Total Proteins by Bicinchoninic Acid and Pyrogallol Red Molybdate Methods”-Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Aug, Vol-9(8): BC01-BC04. |
Comparative Analysis of Urinary Total Proteins by Bicinchoninic Acid and Pyrogallol Red Molybdate Methods. | |
49. |
2015 |
Chengappa K. Uthappa1, Ramesh R. Allam1, Chava Nalini1, Deepak Gunti2, Prasada R. Udaragudi2, Geetha P. Tadi2 and Manoj V. Murhekar3* -“An outbreak of cholera in Medipally village, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2013”- Journal of Health Population and Nutrition - Published on line 24th July, 2015. |
An outbreak of cholera in Medipally village, Andhra Pradesh. | |
48. |
2015 |
Ramesh R. Allam, Chengappa K. Uthappa, Chava Nalini, Prasada R. Udaragudi1, Geetha P. Tadi1, Manoj V. Murhekar2 ”- An Outbreak of Cholera due to Contaminated Water, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2013. |
An Outbreak of Cholera due to Contaminated Water, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2013. | |
47. |
2015 |
Enakshi Ganguly, Pawan K Sharma, Clareann H Bunker1 -“Prevalence and risk factors of diarrhea morbidity among under-five children in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis .” |
Prevalence and risk factors of diarrhea morbidity among under-five children in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | |
46. |
2015 |
Indla Yogananda Reddy1*, Rajani Santhakumari2, Ram Reddy B3 -“Is There Any Specialization in Auditory Pathway by Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials-An Electro Physiological Approach .” |
Is There Any Specialization in Auditory Pathway by Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials-An Electro Physiological Approach . | |
45. |
2015 |
Chengappa K. Uthappa1, Ramesh R. Allam1, Deepak Gunti2, Chava Nalini1,Prasada R. Udaragudi 2,Geetha P. Tadi2 & Manoj V. Murhekar3 -“Chikungunya outbreak in Atmakur village, Medak district, Telangana State, India .” |
Chikungunya outbreak in Atmakur village, Medak district, Telangana State, India. | |
44. |
2015 |
Aparna Varma B, Akhil Varma V.Y, Subhajt.S, Sejal BR, Jayalakshmi.P. The Urinary uric acid/ Creatinine ratio is an adjuvant markers for perinatal asphyxia. European journal of Pharmaceuticals & Medical research, (ejpmr) 2015,2(5):250-258. |
The Urinary uric acid/ Creatinine ratio is an adjuvant markers for perinatal asphyxia. | |
43. |
2015 |
Padma Yalamati1*, Aparna Varma Bhongir1, Kalpana Betha2, Ritika Verma1, Shailendra Dandge3 - “Relationship of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum cystatin C with maternal and fetal outcomes in rural Indian pregnant women” Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Oct;4(5):1505-1510 September-October 2015 • Volume 4 |
Relationship of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum cystatin C with maternal and fetal outcomes in rural Indian pregnant women. | |
42. |
2015 |
Sapna V, Aparna Varma B, Dakshayani P, Rekha C. Study of Serum uric acid & Creatinine in hypertensive disorders of Pregnancy. Int J Med Sci Public health 2015;4;10. |
Study of Serum uric acid & Creatinine in hypertensive disorders of Pregnancy. | |
41. |
2015 |
Sapna Vyakaranam, Aparna Varma Bhongir, Dakshayani Potlolla, Rekha Chintapally, Maternal Serum Ischemia Modified Albumin as a marker for hypertensive disorder of Pregnancy; a pilot study, International Journal of reproduction, contraception Obstetrics & Gynecology 2015 June; 4 (3);611-616. |
Maternal Serum Ischemia Modified Albumin as a marker for hypertensive disorder of Pregnancy. | |
40. |
2015 |
RajaniSanthakumari Nagothu, Yogananda Reddy Indla, Archana R, Rajesh.P -"Role of yoga on cardiac autonomic function tests and cognition in type 2 diabetes.Int.J.Res.Ayurveda Pharm 2015: 6(6) 764 -766PMCID: PMC4933305” |
Role of Yoga Cardic Autonomic Function Tests and Cognition in type 2 diabets. | |
39. |
2015 |
Tushar Singh1, Pawan K Sharma2, Guru Rajesh Jammy2, Jane A Cauley1, Clareann H Bunker1,PS Reddy2 and Anne B Newman1 -“Design of the Mobility and Independent Living in Elders Study: An older adult cohort in rural India.” |
Design of the Mobility and Independent Living in Elders Study: An older adult cohort in rural India. | |
38. |
2014 |
Sapna V,Swathi V,Srinivas N,Satyanarayana P, Aparna V Bhongir,- Study of Insulin resistance in subclinical hypothyroidism. Int J Health Sci Res. 2014;(4):147-153 |
Study of Insulin resistance in subclinical hypothyroidism | |
37. |
2014 |
Rajani Santhakumari1,*, Indla Yogananda Reddy1, and R Archana2 - Effect Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus On Brain Metabolites By Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-A Systematic Review - Int J Pharma Bio Sci. 2014 October ; 5(4): 1118-1123. |
Effect Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus On Brain Metabolites By Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-A Systematic Review. | |
36. |
2014 |
T. Jaya Chandra*, Ramesh Redddy Alan**, R. Selvaraj***, YV Sharma* “Mods Assay For Rapid Diagnosis Of Tuberculosis Among Hiv Tb Co Infected Individuals In A Tertiary Care Hospital, Andhra Pradesh.” Pak J Chest Med October - December 2014 Vol. 20 No. 4 www.pjcm.net |
Assay For Rapid Diagnosis Of Tuberculosis Among Hiv Tb Co Infected Individuals In A Tertiary Care Hospital, | |
35. |
2014 |
Dinaker Manjunath, MD, Chengapp Kechamada Uthappa, MPH, Sri Rama Kattula, MD, Ramesh Reddy Allam, MAE, Nalini Chava, MSc, and Ganesh Oruganti, MD “Metabolic Syndrome Among Urban Indian Young Adults:Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors” - Metabolic Syndrome And Related Disorders- Volume 12, Number 7, 2014-Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Pp. 1-9.DOI: 10.1089/met.2014.0003. |
Metabolic Syndrome Among Urban Indian Young Adults: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors | |
34. |
2014 |
Ganesh Oruganti, Manjunath Dinaker, Kattula Sri Rama Surya Tez, Jammy Guru Rajesh, Yeldandi V. Vijay, P.S. Reddy -“High Sero-Prevalance of Dengue IgH Antibodies among Healthy Individuals in Andhra Pradesh, India” Published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Jan-Mar 2014, Vol5 No.1 DOI Number:10.5958/j.0976-5506.5.1.03 |
High Sero - Prevalnce of Dengue IgG Antibodies among Healthy Individuals in Andhara Pradesh, India. | |
33. |
2014 |
Ramesh Reddy Allam, Manoj V. Murhekar, Tarun Bhatnagar, Chengappa K. Uthappa, Nalini Chava, B.B. Rewari, S. Venkatesh and Sanjay Mehendale -“Survival Probability And Predictors Of Mortality And Retention In Care Among Patients Enrolled For First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2008-2011”. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014;108:198-205 doi:10.1093/trstmh/tru025. |
Survival Probability And Predictors Of Mortality And Retention In Care Among Patients Enrolled For First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy, | |
32. |
2013 |
Padma Y, Aparna V B, Kalpana B, Ritika V, Sudhakar P R. Renal markers in normal and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Indian women - A pilot study. International journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. (IJRCOG-2013 Dec;2(4):514-520 Volume 2 Issue 4 pISSN 2320-1770|eISSN 2320-1789 |
Renal markers in normal and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in indan women | |
31. |
2013 |
Deepak Kumar Pasupula • P. S. Reddy - “When is a South Indian Really Anemic?” - Ind J Clin Biochem - Published Online 12th October, 2013. Received: Association of Clinical Biochemists of India 2013. |
when is a a South Indian Really Anemic . | |
30. |
2013 |
C.Rekha, Margaret Whelan, Purushotham Reddy and P.S. Reddy (2013) “Evaluation of adjustment methods used to determine prevalence of low birth-weight babies at a rural hospital in Andhra Pradesh, India.” - Indian Journal of Public Health Vol-57 Issue No.3 July-September, 2013. |
Evaluation of adjustment methods used to determine prevalence of low birth weight babies at a rural hospital in Andhara Pradesh, India. | |
29. |
2013 |
Ramesh R. Allam1,2, *Manoj V. Murhekar3, Geetha P. Tadi4, Prasada R. Udaragudi5 - “Descriptive Epidemiology of Novel Influenza A (H1N1), Andhra Pradesh 2009-2010”. Indian Journal of Public Health, Volume 57, Issue 3, July-September, 2013 |
Descriptive Epidemiology of Noval Influenza A(H1N1), Andhara Pradesh 2009-2010 | |
28. |
2013 |
Kusneniwar G.N., Mishra A.K., Balasubramanian K and Reddy P.S.(2013). “Determinants of Infant Mortality in a Developing Region in Rural Andhra Pradesh” NJIRM Vol. 4(4), July-August 2013. |
Determinants of infant Mortality in a Developing Region in Rural Andhara Pradesh | |
27. |
2013 |
Proma Paul , Amanda E. Tanner , Patti E. Gravitt , K.Vijayaraghavan , Keerti V. Shah , Gregory D. Zimet & CATCH Study Group - Acceptability of HPV Vaccine Implementation Among Parents in India - Health Care for Women International DOI: 10. 1080/07399332 .2012.740115 Published online: 23 Apr 2013 |
Acceptability of HPV Vaccine Implementaion Among Parents in india - Health Care for Women International | |
26. |
2012 |
Schneider JA, Sreenivasan V, Liao C, Kandukuri S, Trikamji BV, Chang E, Antonopoulos D, Prasad SV, Lakshmi V. Increased likelihood of bacterial pathogens in the coronal sulcus and urethra of uncircumcised men in a diverse group of HIV infected and uninfected patients in India. Journal of Global Infectious Diseases. Jan-Mar 2012; 4(1), 6-9. |
Increased lokehood of bacterial pathogens in the coronal sulus and urethra of uncircumcised men in a diverse group of HIV infected and uninfected patients in India | |
25. |
2012 |
John A. Schneider, Rachel B. McFadden, Edward O. Laumann, SG Prem Kumar,Sabitha R. Gandham, and Ganesh Oruganti - “Candidate change agent identification among men at risk for |
Candidate change agent identification among men at risk for HIV Infection | |
24. |
2012 |
Snyder H, Yeldandi VV, Kumar GP, Liao C, Lakshmi V, Gandham SR, Muppudi U, Oruganti G, Schneider JA. “Field-based video pre-test counseling, oral testing and telephonic post-test counseling: Implementation of an HIV field testing package among high-risk Indian men”. AIDS Education and Prevention. 2012 24(4): 309-26. |
Field-based video pre-test counselling,oral testing and telephonic post-test counselling: Implementaion of an HIV field testing. package among high-risk Indian men State. | |
23. |
2012 |
Enakshi Ganguly, “Supplementary Role of Health Metrics for Reducing Total Fertility Rate in a North-Indian State.” - .Online Journal of Health and Allied Science, Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Free Online Journal Published Quarterly : Mangalore, South India : ISSN 0972-5997 Volume 11, Issue 4; Oct-Dec 2012. |
Supplementary Role of Health Metrics for Reducing Total Fertility Rate in a North-Indian State. | |
22. |
2012 |
Ramesh Reddy, Geetha Parasadini, Prasada Rao, Chengappa K. Uthappa, Manoj V. Murhekar - Outbreak of cutaneous anthrax in Musalimadugu village,Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India, July-August 2011 J Infect Dev Ctries 2012; 6(10):695-699.
Outbreak of cutaneous anthrax. | |
21. |
2012 |
Dr. V. M. Kommula*, Dr.A K. Mishra*, Dr.Kusneniwar G.N*, Dr.S. N. Chappa*, Dr. Raghava Rao. K. V. - Profile Of HIV Positive Clients In An ICTC Of A Private Medical College, Andhra Pradesh: A Situational Analysis **NJIRM 2012; Vol. 3(2). April-June eISSN: 0975-9840 |
Profile of HIV Positive Clients In An ICTC Of A Private Medical College. | |
20. |
2011 |
John A. Schneider , Divya Kondareddy, Gandham , Annie M. Dude - Using Digital Communication Technology Fails to Improve Longitudinal Evaluation of an HIV Prevention Program Aimed at Indian Truck Drivers and Cleaners - AIDS Behav. DOI 10.1007/s10461-011-0060-6 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 Published on line 09th October, 2011 |
Using Digital Communication Technology Fails to Improve Longitudinal Evaluation of an HIV Prevention Program Aimed at India Truck Drivers and Cleaners | |
19. | 2011 | Silver MI*, Paul P, Sowjanya P, Ramakrishna G, Vedantham H, Kalpana B, Shah KV, Gravitt PE. Shedding of Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus from the genital tract of women in a peri-urban community in Andhra Pradesh, India. J Clin Microbiol. 2011;49(7):2435-9. |
Shedding of Epstein-Barr Virus and cytomegalovirus from the genital tract of women | |
18. |
2011 |
GurumurthySastry M, Shruti Mohanty, SapnaVyakaranam, Aparna Varma Bhongir, Pragna Rao - Transplacental Transport of Fluoride, Calcium and Magnesium - National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine 2011; Vol. 2(3). July- Sep 2011 (eISSN: 0975-9840) |
Transplacental Transport of Fluoride, Clacium and Magnesium | |
17. |
2011 |
GurumurthySastry M, ShrutiMohanty, Aparna VarmaBhongir, A.K. Mishra, PragnaRao - Association of Higher Maternal Serum Fluoride with Adverse Fetal Outcomes - International Journal of Medicine and Public Health Apr-Jun-2011 Vol 1, Issue 2, 11-15 (ISSN; 2230-8598) |
Association of Higher Maternal Serum Fluoride with Adverse Fetal Outcomes | |
16. |
2011 |
Bhongir AV, Nemani S, Reddy PS. - Rural-Urban Epidemiologic Transition of Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease ... and Nearby Rural Area - A Pilot Study. Journal of Association of Physicians of India April 2011; 59: 222- 226. |
Rural-Urban Epidemiologic Transition of Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease | |
15. |
2011. |
Namratha R. Kandula, MD, MPH1, Raghavesh Pullalarevu, MD 2, Neerja Khurana, BDS, MPH 3, Vijay Yeldandi, MD 2, Ganesh Oruganti, MD 4, Sabitha Gandham5, John Schneider, MD, MPH 6 - Health Communication / Behavior Change Communication - Abstract ID#: 207442. |
Health Communication / Behavior Change Communication | |
14. |
2011 |
Vagish Hemmige, M.D.,Hannah Snyder, B.A.,Chuanhong Liao, M.S.,Kenneth Mayer, M.D.,Vemu Lakshmi, M.D.,Sabitha Rani, M.S.W.,Ganesh Orunganti, M.D., John Schneider, M.D., M.P.H. - Sex Position, Marital Status, and HIV Risk Among Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men: Clues to Optimizing Prevention Approaches, AIDS PATIENT CARE and STDs, Volume 25, Number X, 2011, © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., DOI: 10.1089/apc.2011.0079. |
Sex Position, Marital Status, and HIV Risk Among Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men | |
13. |
2011. |
John A. Schneider, Stuart Michaels, Sabitha R. Gandham, Rachel McFadden, Chuanhong Liao, Vijay V. Yeldandi, Ganesh Oruganti - A Protective Effect of Circumcision Among Receptive Male Sex Partners of Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men, AIDS Behav published online 17th June, 2011. |
A Protective Effect of Circumcision Among Receptive Male Sex Partners of Indian Men Who Have Sex with Men | |
12. |
2010 |
Gravitt PE, Paul P, Katki H, Vedantham H, Ramakrishna G, Sudula M, Kalpana B, Rnnnett BM, Vijayaraghavan K, Shah KV. Effectiveness of VIA, Pap and HPV DNA Testing in a Cervical Cancer Screening Program in a Peri Urban Community in Andhra Pradesh, India. PLoS ONE, 6-11-2010; 10-PONE-RA-19715. |
Effectiveness of VIA, Pap and HPV DNA Testing in a Cervical Cancer Screening Program in a Periurban Community | |
11. |
2010 |
John A. Schneider, RakhiDandona, ShravaniPasupneti, Vemu Lakshmi, Chuanhong Liao, Vijay Yeldandi, Kenneth H. Mayer - Initial Commitment to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Circumcision for HIV Prevention amongst Indian Truck Drivers PLoS ONE 2010 Jul 30; 5(7): e11922. PMC 20689602. |
Initial Commitment to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Circumcision for HIV Prevention | |
10. | 2010 | Vedantham H, Silver MI, Kalpana B, Rekha C, Karuna BP, Vidyadhari K, Mrudula S, Ronnnett BM, Vijayaraghavan K, Ramakrishna G, Sowjanya P, Laxmi S, Shah KV, Gravitt PE; CATCH Study Team. Determinants of VIA (Visual Inspection of the Cervix after Acetic Acid Application) Positivity in Cervical Cancer Screening of Women in a Peri-Urban Area in Andhra Pradesh, India. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010; 19(5): 1373-80. |
Determinants of VIA (Visual Inspection of the Cervix after Acetic Acid Application) Positivity in Cervical Cancer Screening of Women | |
9. | 2010. | Piyathilake CJ, Badiga S, Paul P., Vijayaraghavan K., Vedantham H, Sudula M., Sowjanya P, Ramakrishna G, Shah KV, Partridge EE, Gravitt PE, Indian Women with Higher Serum Concentrations of Folate and Vitamin-B12 are Significantly less likely to be Infected with Carcinogenic or High Risk (HR) Types of Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs). International J Women's Health 2010: 2:7-12. |
Indian women with higher serum concentrations of folate and vitamin B12 are significantly less | |
8. | 2009 | Sowjanya AP, Paul P, Vedantham H, Ramakrishna G, Vidyadhari D, Vijayaraghavan K, Lakshmi S, Sudula M., Ronnett BM, Das M., Shah KV, Gravitt PE for the Community Access to Cervical Health Study Group. Suitability of Self-Collected Vaginal Samples for Cervical Cancer Screening in Periurban Villages in Andhra Pradesh, India. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.2009;18(5): |
Suitability of Self-Collected Vaginal Samples for Cervical Cancer Screening in Periurban Villages | |
7. |
2009. |
Annie Dude, Ganesh Oruganti, Vinod Kumar, Kenneth H. Mayer, Vijay Yeldandi, John A. Schneider - HIV Infection, Genital Symptoms and Sexual Risk Behaviour among Indian Truck Drivers from a Large Transportation Company in South India, Journal of Global Infectious Diseases, January - June, 2009 / Vol-1 / Issue-1Doi:10.4103/0974-777X.52977. |
HIV Infection, Genital Symptoms and Sexual Risk Behaviour among Indian Truck Drivers | |
6. | 2009 |
Tatineni A., Vijayaraghavan K., Reddy P.S., Narendranath B, and Reddy R.P., Health Metrics Improve Childhood Immunization Coverage in A Rural Population of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Public Health, 2009, 53:41;43 |
Health Metrics Improve Childhood Immunisation | |
5. | 2009 | 5. J A Schneider MD MPH, A Dude PhD, M Dinaker MD, V Kumar MBBS, E O Laumann PhD, A Holloway-Beth MS, G Oruganti MD, G S Saluja MBBS, V Chundi MD, V Yeldandi MD, and K H Mayer MD, - General Hygiene, Sexual Risk Behaviour And HIV Prevalence In Truck Drivers From Andhra Pradesh, South India: Implications For Prevention Interventions, International Journal of STD & AIDS Volume 20(1) January 2009, 39-45, PMCID: 19103892. |
General hygiene, sexual risk behaviour and HIV prevalence in truck drivers |
4. | 2008 |
Sudha Sivaram1, Gurcharan Singh Saluja2, Manik Das2, P. Sudhakar Reddy2,3,and Vijay Yeldandi2,4 - Reasons for Seeking HIV-test: Evidence from a Private Hospital in Rural Andhra Pradesh, India, J HEALTH POPUL NUTR Dec-2008; Volume 26(4): 431-441 ISSN 1606-0997. |
Reasons for Seeking HIV-test | |
3. | 2008 | J A Schneider, A Dude, M Dinaker, V Kumar, E O Laumann, A Holloway-Beth, G Oruganti, G S Saluja, V Chundi, V Yeldandi, K H Mayer - General Hygiene, Sexual Risk Behaviour and HIV Prevalence In Truck Drivers from Andhra Pradesh, South India: Implications For Prevention Interventions International Journal of STD & AIDS 2008, Volume-20; 00: 1-7. |
General hygiene, sexual risk behaviour and HIV prevalence in truck drivers |
2. | 2007 | J. A. Schneider, G. S. Saluja, G. Oruganti, S. Dass, J. Tolentino, E. O. Laumann, V. Yeldandi, D. Pitrak - HIV Infection Dynamics In Rural Andhra Pradesh South India: A Sexual-Network Analysis Exploratory Study, AIDS Care, October, 2007, 19:9, 1171 - 1176 |
HIV infection dynamics in rural Andhra Pradesh | |
1. | 2005 | 1. Sowjanya AP, Jain M, Poli UR, Padma S, Das M, Shah KV. Rao BN, Devi RR, Gravitt PE, Ramakrishna G. Prevalence and Distribution of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Types In Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix and in Normal Women in Andhra Pradesh, India. BMC Infect Dis. 2005; 5:116. |
BMC Infectious Diseases |